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5 Reasons Why You Need a Portable Charger

Many people wait until they are out of battery and out of luck to get a portable charger. If searching for outlets in coffee shops or frantically calling your friends before your smartphone hits 0%...

Can You Bring Your Portable Charger on a Plane

Updated September 19, 2019 There's been a lot of uncertainty in the last few months when it comes to flying. Items that used to be allowed in a carry-on are getting banned and instead have to be ch...

How to Have a Great Time at Web Summit 2017

Forbes calls the Web Summit Conference “the best tech conference on the planet.” One conference filled with founders, CEOs and chairmen of the biggest companies in the world. Celebrities, athletes,...

How to Survive a Night at the Airport

Do you want to know how to survive a night at the airport? Maybe your flights got delayed, or you chose to fly indirectly because it was cheaper. Having a layover or two can cut the cost of your fl...

What Type of Portable Charger Is the Best for You

Bigger is always better. Actually, not really. It's only better if it fits your needs. A smaller portable charger might be better for you. It might also not be what you need at all. The question is...

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